Account Information

View your account balance, billing history, current bill statement online, estimated meter reading date, and more by logging in to your account.

Submit an online request for:

For outdoor light repair, login to MyClayElectric, click Submit an Inquiry, then click on Other Issues/General Inquiry, followed by Outdoor Light Problem.

Residential Rates

As a member of a not-for-profit electric cooperative, you receive electricity at cost!

If you are signing up for a new account and your credit check indicates you will need to pay a $325 deposit, you will be required to pay the deposit prior to service connection. Failure to maintain a satisfactory payment record may result in you being required to post a new deposit where previously waived or returned, or an additional deposit to secure payment for current bills. We will automatically refund the deposit to you after 12 months of continuous service if you are a residential member with a good payment record. The refund will appear as a bill credit on the 13th regular bill after the effective date of the deposit.

Commercial Rates

Clay Electric's business rates are among the most competitive in Florida. Commercial and industrial rates are structured to provide the best possible service at the most competitive price.

Commercial Accounts

Clay Electric offers an array of services to its business members.

Standards for Electric Service

The "Standards for Electric Service" is an 84-page PDF download document that provides architects, developers, engineers, contractors and members with all the necessary requirements for receiving electric service.

Key Developer Program

The Key Developer Program guide is a 115-page PDF document that highlights activities and requirements which allow us to work with builders and developers to achieve a successful project completion. The guide supplements our Standards of Electric Service document and offers some clarifications of our service requirements.