Payment Questions
- Pay Online with MyClayElectric.
Clay Electric’s payment options enable you to make an immediate electronic payment, or automatic monthly payments by bank draft from your savings or checking account.
You can make an immediate electronic payment by bank draft or credit card on the co-op’s website at or through the mobile app.
To perform a transaction you will need your Clay Electric account number, a valid email address, your checking or savings account number and the routing number of your bank.
Clay Electric also accepts credit/debit card payment by Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. To make a credit or debit card payment, visit
If you’d like your payment to be automatically deducted monthly on your bill statement’s due date by bank draft from your checking or savings account or credit card, the Auto Pay Program should be your choice. You will still receive a monthly bill statement but there will be a notation on the bill statement that there is a bank/credit card draft scheduled on the due date.
Please note that the Auto Pay Program is not for making an immediate payment or for paying a bill already due.
You can sign up online at or through the app, or call/drop by your local district office. You will need your Clay Electric account number, your checking or savings account number and the routing number of your bank, or your credit card number.
- Sign up for the Auto Pay Program.
For the greatest convenience, participate in the Auto Pay Program, which allows your payment to be withdrawn from your specified bank account on the due date of the electric bill. Your bill is always paid and always on time, so it is one less thing for you to worry about.
Please note that the Auto Pay Program is not for making an immediate payment or for paying a bill already due.
- Pay at a local district office...
Pay at the front counter or drive-through window at your local district office during regular working hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday). Cash, check, debit/credit cards and money orders are accepted. Payments made after 3 p.m. will be applied to your account the next business day.
Pay at the drop box of your local district office at any time. However, a payment may not be credited to your account until the next working day. Please do not deposit cash in the drop box. Deposit a check or money order and include your bill statement stub along with your payment.
- Pay at a Local Retail Store.
You can also pay your bill by cash and/or debit/credit card at payment stations through Fidelity Express or Vanilla Direct at various businesses (such as convenience stores) in the co-op’s service area by using the barcode provided online or on the app. Both services incur a convenience fee of $1.50 for each transaction. A list of payment locations is available at your local district office and online at
- Pay by Mail.
Pay by mail by using the payment envelope included with your bill statement each month. Don't forget the bill statement stub to ensure payment is credited to the correct account. Mail to Clay Electric Co-op, P.O. Box 308, Keystone Heights, FL 32656.
- Pay by Phone.
If you prefer to handle the transaction over the phone, call 1-855-939-3840 and use the interactive voice answering system. You do not have to talk with a customer service representative to make an electronic payment on the phone. You will need your Clay Electric account number, your checking or savings account number and the routing number of your bank, or your credit card number.
Since you're already on Clay Electric's website, it's very easy to verify that your payment has been credited to your account. By entering your account number and some basic information, you may set up an account that lets you monitor your account online. Not only can you verify that payments have been credited to your account, but also you can examine your account history and past energy use and make electronic payments as needed.
There are several reasons why a bill might seem high.
First, review your energy usage on MyClayElectric. Your advanced meter is a two-way digital device that transmits usage data to Clay Electric hourly over a secured network. You can monitor and evaluate your energy use and look for irregularities.
Second, consider weather conditions that might have caused an increase. You might like to read our summer and winter tips that will guide you through ways to keep seasonal energy usage down.
Summer Energy Tips Brochure (PDF)
Winter Energy Tips Brochure (PDF)
Third, examine possible equipment problems. Culprits that can cause an extreme jump in energy usage are a well pump that has malfunctioned and runs continuously; hot water leaking from faucets, pipes or the water heater; and heating and cooling system problems such as leaking ductwork, compressor malfunctions, a system low in coolant, or a system that is heating and cooling simultaneously.