The "Standards for Electric Service" is an 84-page PDF download document that provides architects, developers, engineers, contractors and members with all of the necessary requirements for receiving electric service. Along with the National Electric Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and other state, county and city requirements, these standards should clarify service requirements to help assure safe, reliable service to members of Clay Electric.

If you have a question concerning the Standards for Electric Service, please contact your local district office.

Standards for Electric Service


The following statement is the required agreement for members seeking service from Clay Electric Cooperative.

Application for Membership and Electric Service

I/We certify that the electric service provided by Clay Electric is for the following purpose: RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL

The applicants hereby apply for membership in Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc., and agree to comply with and be bound by the provisions of the charter and bylaws of said Cooperative and such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Cooperative.

Memberships and deposits are not transferable by the member/applicants and constitute security for the amounts due the cooperative. The Cooperative may transfer membership fees and deposits to other accounts maintained by member/applicant in accordance with the Cooperative's policies. The new service fee is non-refundable and due at the time of application. It is only effective for 12 months from the time of application.

The applicants understand that the Cooperative has the right to place and access metering devices to record energy use and properly maintain electric service.

The applicants agree that failure to negotiate a check made payable to the applicants for a capital credit retirement or for any other payment due from Clay Electric Cooperative and if such failure continues for a period of three years then in accordance with the Cooperatives bylaws, rules and regulations, the applicants shall have agreed to release and assign such check or payment to the Cooperative or its designee.
The applicant(s), in consideration of one dollar and other valuable considerations to them in hand paid, receipt whereof is acknowledged, do hereby grant and convey unto Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc., whose post office address is Keystone Heights, Florida, and its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement across and the right to enter upon the land of the undersigned, situated in County of , State of Florida, and more particularly described as follows:

and to place, replace, construct, operate, repair and maintain an electric distribution line, and to cut trees and shrubbery within 10 feet on each side of said distribution line and to enter the land of the undersigned at any reasonable time for the purpose of reading electric meters. If gates are locked or combination locks are installed, it is the responsibility of the applicant(s) to allow the Cooperative access.

The applicants understand Clay Electric has the right of offset for expenses incurred for the collection of delinquent debts to the Cooperative by the member.